
I think she was definitely joking, and I’m kind of baffled that people are taking it so seriously.

This is definitely a factor. Figure skating participation went down a lot in the US after the recession, and a lot of skaters have started gofundmes to help pay for their training.

Back in 2014 Eteri Tutberidze came right out and said she was restricting Yulia Lipnitskaia’s (the Russian from Sochi) calories in order to delay puberty, and talked about how great she was at not eating. I get wary anytime people talk about emulating the Russian system as a result.

All of her quotes sound different in context. For example, she didn’t say the cold showers made her perform poorly. A reporter asked her how she was feeling after the skate and she said, “I feel like going home and seeing my dogs and taking a warm shower.” Also I’m positive that the Dancing with the Stars comment was

The article is misleading. She didn’t not go for the move- she attempted the move and failed it. It doesn’t make a difference to her score, but it’s not that she didn’t try.

I’m pretty sure the Dancing With the Stars comment was an attempt at a joke (which clearly didn’t go well). If all she wanted was to go on DWTS, there are way easier ways to do that.

The Italians were only two points behind the US when Mirai skated, and people were expecting Kostner from Italy to be 2-3 places ahead of Mirai, who hasn’t beaten Kostner since 2010 or 2011. That’s what she means by that.

I’ve been following figure skating and Mirai’s career for a while, and I think the Dancing with the Stars quote was definitely meant to be a joke.

Zagitova is obviously a very talented athlete, but her PCS scores are absurdly high when compared to the other skaters. She absolutely deserves the highest tech scores, but she should not be ahead of Osmond and Miyahara in components.

Why extra points for backloading?

Yeah. The point of the rule change was to get skaters to have jumps throughout for a well balanced program rather than packing them all in at the beginning.

Someone on twitter compared the careers of Russian ladies skaters to fruit flies and they weren’t wrong. The Russian woman who won gold at 2015 Worlds didn’t even qualify for Worlds the next year.

Miyahara gets consistently robbed in her components scores. I’ve been lucky enough to see her live and it’s even more obvious in person how good her spins, posture, and choreography are in comparison to others. There’s no way her components should be four points lower than Zagitova’s.

I wonder how both Michelle’s and Tara’s Olympic skates would rate under today’s judging system

I love her dress, but I wish his shirt were pink to match it.

The flat stomach circled photos are my favorite. If this is someone’s idea of a pregnant stomach, I must look about 14 months pregnant at all times.

In the past four years, Hanyu has won every competition where he skated two clean programs. He would have had to make mistakes (which is not unheard of, and he was coming off an injury) for Nathan to win gold. But if Nathan had been clean it would have been close.

Part of it is that it’s really tiring and part of it is that you are only allowed to repeat jumps a certain number of times. So to do six quads, you need to be able to do a large variety of quads, which takes a lot of training and work. Learning to do a quad salchow doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be able to do a quad

Leslie Jones made a video on twitter saying he looked like a Russian supervillain from a movie.

Didn’t they start this rule after Katarin Witt wore this?