
“I really don’t like when people are like ‘we have to protect our girls!’ because I feel like that takes away girls’ power”

I read her court testimony a while back and it made me feel sick. Anyone who defends Polanski should be forced to read it. It’s horrifying.


I remember someone on NBC saying that there’s really terrible cell phone reception there and framing it as a great thing because the gymnasts can’t get distracted by their phones. But what it really adds up to is making it even harder for someone who’s just been abused to reach out to their parents or someone else who

They could do a whole plotline about how Jessie wishes she were the platonic wife.

Seriously. Why is the onus entirely on women changing their behavior? Why can’t the emphasis be on men learning to respect boundaries?

This tweet really hit the nail on the head for me:

Thank you!

It feels like I read a different article than some other people. I keep seeing people dismiss the incident as “poor communication” or “bad sex” or people asking why “she didn’t just say no”.

I remember a few years ago there were a bunch of rumors about Emma Watson walking off the set of This is the End because she felt so uncomfortable. A lot of people reacted by calling her a diva and stuck up. I would love to hear her side of the story.

Yup. I like Surya Bonaly a lot, but they didn’t ban the backflip to keep her down, they did it because figure skating is dangerous enough as it is.

I’ve watched the movie 27 Dresses more than once.

As I said earlier on Kotaku hows about a discourse about why he likes having underage girls as fans and having them chase him at conventions?

I am deeply insulted on behalf of Joni Mitchell, who is my favorite artist.

My friends and I came up with a RMP translator. Tough grader= They did not give me an A for that paper I started two hours before class. Strict = has any sort of attendance policy. Mean = Wait, I’m supposed to participate in this foreign language class?

My grandparents had a rescue Brittany when I was little and she was the world’s best dog. I definitely want to adopt one if I ever have a yard.

I agree with all of this. Plenty of other countries have banned docking and cropping for the better.