Gene Belcher's Nervous Diarrhea

Sometimes you just have to say screw it and throw cation to the wind.

Username checks out. Checks out in the most checked-out way a username could possibly check out.

Your screenname is pure brilliance. I bow in your honor, good sir/madam.

When Deadspin starts featuring articles about how Wal-Mart and Home Depot use TIF....

Hey, we’ve got the whole ‘assaulting women’ thing covered for the whole state, thankyouverymuch.

Huh? He looks fine for a 43 year-old.

Just as long as they maintain eye contact while they do it.

+1 exploding, life-altering star.

As someone who doesn’t follow college basketball closely, my take-away here is that there is a player named Sindarius Thornwell.

Watch the second gif and try, just try not to make car acceleration noises while the bambino speeds behind dad.

I love that the mother literally slides into the room in full OHSHIT mode.

I said this in a heavy Russian accent (Yeeeeah, bot oh-ther, beeger reeason ees Pooh-tine) and it made my day.

It’s the Sara Palin Effect.

No, pal, that’s Etnies.

I think I’m stealing this comment but...

There are more than enough cases about people regreting messing with their genders when they weren’t in a position to make fully informed decisions to highight that the ‘wants and feeling’ of unmatured adolescents being unreliable.

Naive questions:

Kingsmen was a good flick. Even my wife liked it a lot.

And we don’t even have Jason, Paul, and June to keep us laughing.