
Absolutely the funniest fuckin' thing I have EVER read here. Not only is this thread GOLD, the above Papal Rally model should be deployed to choose the next Holy See. Make it the Papal World Rally.

Last car I purchased I told them if they were going to put their brand on it they were going to pay me to advertise. They did not put their brand on it.

high-volume dealers are the worst about this, because they don’t care they’ve lost you for life. there’s plenty more customers out there.

So, this is just like baseball. “They all do it” sounds too much like what my teenager would say when I caught him at something he knew was wrong. Somebody needs to start holding these huge corporations responsible for the indirect costs of what they consider to be ‘acceptable business practices’. I’m starting to see

Shift Up > Shift Up > Shift Down > Shift Down > Steer Left > Steer Right > Steer Left > Steer Right > Brake > Accelerate > Start Engine

Obvious answer is obvious.

I’m still of the belief that the non-compliant cars will see a big INCREASE in used resale private party value, especially in non-emissions states. Look at the values of the mid-00s pre-emissions diesel trucks.


He then popped up and said “Must be something...i8!” as a large curtain dropped behind him, unveiling the latest concept of BMW’s groundbreaking hybrid-composite sports car of the future.

It was UNREAL. He’s like Rain Man of automobiles.

This supercharger isn’t even hooked up.

Torch, you’re making part of this entirely too hard. You can buy pulse sensor to screw onto the end of your speedometer cable (or, better still, into your transmission housing). This will (depending on your preference), either produce pulses or an output voltage. The arduino can convert either to speed. As for the

It’s a British car with a highly complex Citroën suspension. WHAT COULD GO WRONG?

Except this one. Funny as all hell, but seriously not cool.

People who drive giant SUVs and bitch about their poor gas mileage. What the hell did you expect?

Yes. But only if there was no roof opening as well.

up next we take a Bentley Mulsanne speed offroading in Moab

Except stancing and slamming has become mainstream enough that its more like regular body mods such as tattoos, piercings, gauges, etc. So now your car can be cool and individual, like all the rest of them!