Yeah, but he was a Cardinal, so no doubt he covered it up The Right Way.
Yeah, but he was a Cardinal, so no doubt he covered it up The Right Way.
There’s really only one difference I can think of between Minnesota and Wisconsin: if I had been a Minnesota Vikings fan when I was a kid, I would be dead now and unable to comment.
Go Pack.
From the ISHM’s “Constitutional Crisis” page:
The proper way to eat this kind of pizza is to have the outer pieces with the crust when it’s freshly baked and save the middle pieces to eat cold the next day.
My least favorite commercial is a 1000-way tie between all prescription drug commercials, especially the ones featuring neighbors discussing medical symptoms in intimate detail.
Exactly! Find the people who made this commercial, encase them in a block of cement with Ajit Pai, and offload them in the middle of the fucking ocean. The Arctic Ocean at that. No one will ever bother to recover their remains then.
So when the t-shirts are inevitably made and then the makers sued...
I think Deadspin writers should refer to the Washington Football team only as the Redhawks going forward. If only to upset emotionally fragile Redhawks fans. Please
Can Deadspin just start calling them the Washington Redhawks from now on?
Of course they are: they just lost a senate race in fucking Alabama. They’ve utterly poisoned the well for an entire generation that’s going to be voting for the next 50+ years, while their own voting base is shrinking faster than Roy Moore’s dick at turning-20 birthday party.
*Mother starts to open gift*
Mother: “What the hell is this?”
Me: “It’s Smeg, ma!”
Maybe Lavar thought it was the Balltic League?
I’d be careful if I were Stanton. Last thing he wants is the hard hitting investigative reporters of The Player’s Tribune on his case.
Plot twist - Jefferson is his middle name. He prefers to be addressed in formal correspondence as FirstInitial Jefferson Lastname RomanNumeral CollegeDegreeLevel.
“I don’t know shit about this, but my only guess is that you aren’t racing against anything in a fighter jet where as every millisecond counts in a race car.”
Well, found out quickly what an awhole reporter you ate.
Al is a creep. I don’t know how much of a creep he is now, but his past actions are those of a creep.
Those are the types of hairs you split when you sell your soul and vote for people like Hillary