The Brewers didn't win in 82 ya jamokes. The suds series v the cards was already the booziest series, and one of like 3 pairings that can't happen again. Thanks Wikipedia!
The Brewers didn't win in 82 ya jamokes. The suds series v the cards was already the booziest series, and one of like 3 pairings that can't happen again. Thanks Wikipedia!
I admit to just seeing the start of Runaways in my minds eye.
I’d put this at 60% as cool as the intact dinosaur skeleton girl, and 60x as cool as me. I do hope they both team up to stop some ancient evil though.
DNFTT. Or do. This is more bullshit than usual and your response shouldn't be governed by what annoys other folks. It's not like it hurts the rest of us.
I we wanted his opinion, we'd have read it in his entrails.
Air bud died in’98 the year after the film came out... excuse me. He went to live on a farm in the countryside.
That’s oversold. He shipped people in to see him almost daily from all over
The Winds of Winter isn't coming.
Curse you, I just spent 2 minutes looking in the sky for a TIE fighter.
They don’t become my DD until they’re sixteen. 14 if they're driving farm equipment.
5 bees for a quarter.
Whatever she wants?
That can’t be right, it’s an IPA.
This would be more believable if I didn’t hear the queen is german jokes on British tv all the time.
It’s all the pressure he’s under.
+1 Isotope
Drew in re the hate I’ll refrain from posting a few Vikings .gifs and instead say:
Pretty good south of the river. Bel Air is gentrified tacos, which says all you need to know, really.
Nathaniel because your parents call you Nathan and you go by Nate.
Fuck my life.