
I think it did work tho... He was forced to leave the game and got arrested to boot. What do you mean it didnt work?

You cant possibly be serious. Woman leaves her job because company hired another female who is vastly more famous, and you want a discrimination suit? That makes so much sense. Jesus, everyone is a victim these days.

Agreed 110%. You should never, under any circumstances, accept money from someone for doing your job, if that person doesnt agree with you 100% on every single issue.

The resulting image, the one shared often shared on social media, focuses on the fetus, the pregnant woman is reduced to shadowy image and photographic afterthought.

I dont understand how more people dont get this. I think you summed it up very nicely. It IS ok to simply disagree on this topic. People who are pro-life are not inherently evil...they just truly believe that once you create life, its not your decision to end it. And pro-choice people truly believe that it is their

Then perhaps we should teach women how babies are made, when they’ll know how to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

Im glad Im not the only person who has been turned off by that attitude. This was very well-said, a bit more reasoned and concise than I was above.

This has basically become the motto of this website: If someone has the gall to disagree with your progressive stance, immediately assume they are a troll.

That didnt make a lick of sense.

Lets not pretend that no woman have ever harmed herself or threatened to harm herself during a fight with a man.

Yes, the adults are busy whining about big bad scary guns. And how we’d be safer if no one had them. The same ridiculous things they always argue about around here.

Ok. Just retreat to the campus “safe-space” then. Pussy.

Im sorry, I dont need an academic study to tell me how to feel.

I think its pretty obvious.

You must surround yourself with some extremely vapid and boorish folks.

I am so sorry you didnt get the chance to have a super-cool awesome fun abortion and rub it in someone’s face! You’re probably a fine person, but that final comment was one of the most insanely cunty things iv ever read.

I dont think women should “pay a price” for an abortion, but you’re right, I do think an abortion should be more difficult than getting a fucking toot filled. Its a big fucking deal. Are you seriously arguing that an abortion is not a big deal? Not a difficult decision? You are seriously arguing that driving 30 miles

You must have missed the part where I mentioned those exact things. Nice try.

This pro-choice person.

Ssssshhhhhh! You obviously didnt get the memo that you cannot speak positively of this vile woman around here. She doesnt 1000% agree with the regulars, so we must tear her down and complain about her privilege.