
The woman used a coat hanger to abort a baby. A man was not required for that crime, implicitly or otherwise. How is that difficult to see?

Ok I gotcha... You have no response so you went that route. No worries.

And yes, a man helped create that baby. But I didnt read anywhere that he forced her to make a baby, or forced her to self-abort? Did you read that somewhere that I missed?

Oh my God cry me a river with this misogyny bulshit. I disagree with you on this so I must be a misogynist. Get over yourself.

I fully understand that cutting off access to women’s health facilities is awful. That abortion is legal but most red states try to restrict it as much as legislatively possible. That restricting access to legal/safe abortions causes women to take matters into their own hands which is awful and dangerous. That states

Does birth control claim to be 100% effective? Do condom companies claim that? No? If an adult uses them and assumes that there is a 0% chance of becoming pregnant, then they are simply ignorant.

Yes. Im positive. Please explain how the statement you quoted makes that confusing.

Im pro-choice. I had typical public school sex-ed. And I have a daughter. You can argue semantics (baby vs fetus), but Ill just use common sense.

You do realize that you can prevent this life-changing event by not having unprotected sex? Like, it’s really that easy.

Oh my GOD! They have to make TWO TRIPS! Like TWO WHOLE TRIPS before they can terminate a baby! Thats like asking them to go to the moon for an abortion!