Here Lies Samclemo

I’m one of the people that will lose my insurance next year. The tax credit is a fucking joke; I can’t afford the premiums without the subsidy. I’m terrified. Before the ACA I couldn’t afford the meds and therapy I need to manage my major depressive disorder. Now I pay $24 for a three month supply of the meds I take

In a nutshell.

The other day I saw a Ferrari that wasn’t on fire AND a new Mustang GT that wasn’t careening towards a crowd of bystanders. Truly, it was a special day

See, I don’t buy that argument because they’d get what they want with Pence. I think it’s much more simple than that: they’re terrified of their nutjob constituents that elected Trump.

Awh, thank you. I doubt I’ll see an election, but if I do it’ll be an uphill battle. Both him and his wife are retired Army officers and we live outside of Fort Bragg in Fayetteville. While Cumberland County always goes blue, the district we’re in has traditionally been red.

It was annoying seeing that on my ballot. I did enjoy leaving that blank, though. I went to school with his kids and hated them. They were your typical spoiled rich kids.

For anyone in North Carolina the state Democratic Party has created a pipeline project to get new blood into the party and running for office at all levels of government in the state. I signed up because Rep. Szoka, a Republican, ran unopposed in my district.

Thoughts and prayers for you and yours during this trying time, $kay.

Exactly. I’m going to laugh so hard if she ends up being a good base 5* and the people that are complaining about her inclusion in the game end up bitching because they didn’t pull her.

I mean, Japan just finished a Monster Hunter crossover event so it’s pretty clear they’re going outside of the traditional FF universe for inspiration.

The look of the dark sweaters in the bottom picture is something I’d wear but I wouldn’t be caught dead in those pants. They’re just.... atrocious.

My little shit was napping on some very important insurance paperwork the other day and was swatting at my hand whenever I tried to get it. She’s lucky she’s adorable.

I’m a straight man and even I think he’s impossibly handsome.

Probably shouldn’t have read this while eating dinner.

These memes have helped soften the blow. As the great Hedwig Schmidt said, “I laugh because I will cry if I don’t.”

Me and my friend’s cars out awhile back. One of these things is not like the others.

So are we just going to completely gloss over our own culpability in this?

Man, I really hope McCrory gets voted out of office. As a lifelong NC resident, watching him concede will be far sweeter than watching Trump concede.

I don’t know if this is even possible, but could those that are on a soccer scholarship have said scholarship rescinded? It might really drive the point home that their behavior is fucking gross and unacceptable.

It’s for high speed pursuits. NC Highway Patrol had Camaro Z28s when I was a teenager and that’s all they were used for. Crown Vics would take any perps after they were caught.