Here Lies Samclemo

I’m just commenting to tell you that I love your username. It made me smile almost as much as Obama losing his shit over kids.

Yeah, but by February they’ll be talking about the 2018 midterms and how the Dems can finally take Congress back.

I remember reading that article about a young married woman that wanted to get her tubes tied and was having a hard time finding a doctor to do. It was infuriating. I couldn’t help but think that wouldn’t have happened to me if I had wanted a vasectomy at that age.

Preach. I’m a 29 year old dude and I don’t want children. I like kids and I have five nephews that I adore but they’re not for me. But I’m sick and damn tired of hearing condescending shit like “Oh, you’ll change your mind when you find the right woman.” Yep. That’s what it is. I don’t want children because I haven’t

I just voted for a dude named Ellis Ellison in a county election the other day. And all I could think was how much did his parents hate him?

Hm, I’m diving back into Dying Light with a friend, continuing comp play in Overwatch, and grinding candy corn and cactuars in FFBE: Brave Exvius. I was pissed that I did finish the Giant of Babel Elite before the event ended.

I hate Trump and his supporters as much as the next person, but the people that are applauding this are disgusting.

My biggest gripe is the music. It feels so stiff and forced. And it’s so overproduced. It’s a rock and roll show; it’s supposed to be gritty and raw and this sounds like a pop record.

The only good thing about this is that it’s going to end at some point.

I posted this a minute before you. If only I weren’t in the greys!

Donald Trump could be our next president.

Anybody else see the irony in all these posts calling for Perez Hilton to be sued out of existence?