
Glenn died

The first time a child sees Bob Ross lay down a tree is a pretty magical experience

I think the answer is it doesn’t have any reason to be on twitch. I think that in itself is the joke, so it could have been anything. The fact that they chose to do it with something (Bob Ross,) which organically created a huge, random, happy ‘collective experience,’ instead of just a random troll zone (say if they

You will probably only get to hang out with one of them, but it will probably be before the 18th birthday!

Hey at least Sony is going to give me a free copy of God of War HD for the PS3 sometime in 2016!


congrats, you have experienced a parallel of what happened every time I played Fallout 2, one of my favorite games of all time

It is Par for the course for Fallout. Fallout 2 was completely broken, and one of the most fun games I ever played. At least it got modded 10 years later though.

anyone else read it as “show me your asshole?”

I mentioned it elsewhere, but you can still get the Zelda Windwaker Wii U Bundle for $235 + $5 shipping + tax from the Nintendo Store website. It is refurbished, but I just got it and I certainly wouldn’t know it not to be new. They have some refurbished discs you can get thrown in for ~$30 each and not pay any extra

You will know what name you can apply when you read “Former Gawker Media employee had this to say about working conditions...” in a future story on The Daily Beast.

Watching the opening monologue I was wondering if he was going to say, “gotcha!” He didn’t... outright... I am not sure he ever will say it.

Praise the sun!

I picked up the special edition Zelda Windwaker Gamepad Wii U bundle and Mario Kart 8 for $265 + $5 shipping + tax from Nintendo’s website 2 weeks ago. It was refurbished, but I’ve spent thousands of dollars on refurbished equipment at this point and never received a product that I could tell wasn’t new.

damn dude, brevity! But we get it. You like bad art.

shut up person who knows what things are

Now playing

You did it! You made me hate that gifs are on the main page!

Don’t preorder games.

Jerry Jones was almost arrested for domestic assault, except he had the money to cover it up.

He was robbed a great chance when the idiot Wizard players blew up the team just as he got there.