

Hubris, and they probably were right to try.

If only ‘moderate’ republicans could figure as much out. OH I WENT THERE!

Is Youtube any different from MegaUpload at this point?

Why the fuck have I not been using adblock?!

Unstoppable? Jeb Bush is.

Let’s all just play Quake 1

This shit it about to E.X.P.L.O.D.E.

On the plus side, it is the biggest free for all of free pirated material in the history of mankind.

good god that 12 year old wants to get laid

I bought a Wii U the day this was posted. I win!

Or is no one wasting anyone’s time because no one else is reading this and we were bored to begin with!

Their parents did that

Now you are just wasting everyone’s time

I don’t have a point, but:

hey I just got here, but kill yourself

“You’d think whether or not a player caught a ball would be a clear cut, easily determinable thing, yet here we are.” Why? Why why why why? Explain to me the laws of physics you want to use to make this easily determinable?

Well I said it is good the bikers weren’t shot, so I do believe I am right, but it isn’t the most controversial stance I ever took.

I mean, he didn’t do this right

it is always one of three things isn’t it? But to answer your first question, same way they already do.