
The person I got access to recently played Dark Souls, so I friend requested them.

You are my favorite

Hey, #notallmen or something something

I could be telling the truth... you’ll never know!

Dude... I did 9/11

Dude you finally convinced me! If the government and military intelligence is not a saint, then 9/11 was a demolition job. I never realized there is no in-between.

See, this is why I didn’t say you needed to die! All your unintended supporters though...

he def didn’t

I’ll top it: Kill yourself

Lack of LSD in the world


Hijacked to say: Bring FFT to Steam! MODSSiS!

Nothing in this movie made sense, so there were probably lots of decisions like this. But it is fun!

Yes, like something in every scene of this movie, it made no sense. In fact it doesn’t just make no sense, it makes negative sense. But it was still a great fun movie.

I stopped reading your message very quickly. You should stop typing sooner.

I believe that Miley hasn’t done acid, because acid doesn’t exist anymore, which is why everyone younger than me is so fucking unimaginative.

good one

He is talking about his cum. Get it!?

You mean Tommy Kelly, D.A.? Yeah that guy is a jerk.