I bought a refurbished set of logitech Z323 to run behind my couch and use as the rear speakers for a quadraphonic PC set up. Maybe the wires will be long enough to stretch to either side of my couch? $20 experiment!
I bought a refurbished set of logitech Z323 to run behind my couch and use as the rear speakers for a quadraphonic PC set up. Maybe the wires will be long enough to stretch to either side of my couch? $20 experiment!
Grabbed the $35 one for me and a $10 for a friend. Saved some bucks. Good call.
Grabbed the $35 one for me and a $10 for a friend. Saved some bucks. Good call.
I don’t want anything on sale, but I do want some VC things, so those cards are def great.
I don’t want anything on sale, but I do want some VC things, so those cards are def great.
This is a random place to ask this but:
This is a random place to ask this but:
I got winnuked!
I got winnuked!
Good call not posting nintendo’s eShop sale, as it is straight up insulting. I just purchased a Wii U, and this is my lesson: Never look at the eShop again.
Good call not posting nintendo’s eShop sale, as it is straight up insulting. I just purchased a Wii U, and this is…
MOBA just sucks as a name. DOTA sucked too. I straight up did not play DOTA 2, because I thought the name was stupid. So branding is super important yes, but maybe they just don’t like the current branding?
I’ve had it up and running for ~24 hours now. I was getting some pretty bad tearing in Dark Souls and couldn’t get it to go away completely. Even scrolling through my games in Steam Big Picture gave some very clear tearing. My TV is kinda a generic Samsung model, so it may just be that. Or maybe I just have no idea…
I disagree, his points were not fair. He responded to an idea that you never expressed.
No one is glad you did.
Ultimate Grays Burn Award!
Fuck you kill yourself
Waaaaaah your waaaaah!
For real, why should I care about anyone else’s problems when I have problems and no one is leading a moment of silence for me! Why isn’t everything about me? I like crying!!!!
What about the people who witnessed it but didn’t punch them in the face? Are they really so much better?
I can’t even name a past opponent, but can you name a past opponent you would say is a great boxer?
What I don’t get is why people keep saying the kick made a difference?
I made the move https://pcpartpicker.com/p/37BTK8