
I wasn't trying to be smug I just can't believe schools don't all teach real US history. That was me being surprised. Ive had conversations with people about US history and they don't know a lot, not their fault but scary.

did you not take a US history class in HS? where the fuck did you go to school?????????? what is up with schools.

pics of the diploma or it didn’t happen. jk no i’ll read into it. if you’re right you’re right and i’ll shut up!

because its white people who have money that can afford to take an unpaid internship. duh... I myself have to work full time and go to school full time. I have no time to go and do work for free.

Now playing

omg look at this wannabe :((( kinda don't see what fb saw in him

I have this on a bootleg vhs <333333333 so sad that he is dead and dave grohl has a terrible band.

Thats All I took from it and agree with her statements. Hey I’ll start coming together when BLM addresses the black community saying that Illegal mexicans are taking their jobs away. At the end of the day you are black and still seen as an american but myself who is US born is seen as a wet back illegal. Funny. Being

meh reading up on that guy I can see that he’s making it up. kurts things belong to kurts family not some wanna be look alike.

please do tell me more. Lovely how someone will like to school a mexican about mexico. :) have a nice day.

the gov. republican gov is behind a man that is saying ban all muslims...

kanye is trying so hard to dress her like rihanna

the “I shop at forever 21 starter pack” but upgrade to the “I shop at Balmain starter pack” both cheap looking :)

WHO CARES BE YOU!!! she probably spends a million hours on her face and $$. bleh i used to care about it all and then realized I can spend my money on shoes :).

POC here this is the stupidest article I have ever read, colbert was once my favorite, not anymore. Yes on one hand I would rather have people look at my credentials not just oh She's Mexican bring her in! But as fucked up as that sounds you kind of need that for opportunities. POC out there apply for anything and


it belongs to her and in her home. It does not belong in a museum. Its a family heirloom, she probably plays it. let it be in a museum when everyone in her family is dead.

Or go for a cool dude who isn't trying to be your dad

I would chop an arm off just to be there

I LOVE HOLE, but yeah she's a garbage person.

No what they are actually saying is be more like MLK as in: Be murdered and just be dead.