
She writes for Beyoncé and before that destiny’s’ve definitely heard her music

*media oriented

The nannies who raise them, I’d imagine

Do I want to google and watch this Springer ep? Leaning toward yes.

The problem with overly sensitive people like you is that one can no longer compliment a woman’s looks.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a little fellatio. Please don’t insult the many perfectly lovely people who enjoy the act by putting them in the same category as the semi-sentient glob of Cheeto dust, pavement chewing gum and used cat fur.

My mother’s POS husband, who changed registration to vote Drumpf in the primaries and is the reason I will not be visiting my hometown until he’s dead, said she won. So that’s something, even though he is exceptionally dumb.

I thought Trump came off as legit unhinged. He almost foamed at the mouth during the tax returns segment. Same with the Iraq War support. CALL HANNITY! ASK HANNITY! HANNNNIIIIIIITY!

Well shit, I’m a lesbian but I don’t wear crocs. Am I not a “real” lesbian? Shit my wife of almost a decade is going to be pissed. :-)

I knew it was Boulder, Colorado. This is the most Boulder CO shit I have ever read in my life.

I am your roommate. I also use men’s body wash and men’s deodorant and get my hair cut at the Hair Cuttery. Sometimes I think I don’t know how to lady, but then I realize that I’m just really cheap.

Seriously. He should be thankful her security pulled her away and saved his ass.

I wonder if she fired them after this. She’s better security than any bodyguard who was there!

It was fucked up but that gal does not need security. She is a BOSS. She elbowed that fucker in the face and went after him like, “WHAT NOW, BITCH??”

Has anyone ever noticed that the films leaving are almost always better than the films arriving?

well that’s definitely the scene i missed. thanks

Milo was looking at his twins and a guy asked which one was his. Milo pointed them out and asked which one was the guy’s, and guy was like “none, I was at the firehouse when someone dropped off a baby and I brought him here,” as he points to the baby next to the twins. Then the firefighter lights a cigarette and you

I hope they go into more detail about how that whole interracial adoption worked out. What is it like to be the only person who looks like you in your family? In this case particularly, does he ever end up feeling like the filler baby because his dad was so damned obsessed with those onesies?

I was “meh” until the twist. Not gonna lie, when they showed all three babies in the poorly knitted onesies (done by Milo’s “slow, no talent knitter” mom), I cried.

That's funny, I thought it was obvious from the get-go that Mike Judge was mocking eugenics, an idea that has been totally discredited. Obviously, if that dystopia was possible we'd never have any advances in culture, we'd already have found ourselves in a deep well, but we see more books and education that at any