
please go away. I am Mexican american and wear traditional clothing and shoes from my parents land, so am I white washing? Please do tell me more. I honest to god do not believe she was white washing anything. You’re Mexican and live in Mexico, at that time it was hip and modern to dress like an american, she on the

Same. Ugh children lol I’m 24 I’m not hip enough anymore. Now i know :)

0oh god i wrote friday :( computer spell check.

right? so me a mexican american can't wear traditional mexican clothing from my mother and fathers pueblos because id be appropriating it? hm sound like white people trying to tell mexican people what they can and can't do. Friday was born in Coyoacán to a latina mother and german jewish father. end of story she was

Many people come to mind, your wealth has nothing to do with your beliefs or what you are passionate about. So with this reasoning a poor person should not aspire to be a successful person because you can’t be poor and succeed. barf. i sometimes hate how jez readers are pretty closed minded when they shout that they

she was half white, believed in the communist ideals. So what if her family was wealthy, she was an incredible artist she was a mexicana and I don’t give a fuck what people say. She was born in Coyoacán. She's mexican. Pls stop trying to white wash her.

Xicanistas can someone please tell me what this is???? wtf am i old??????

But why is she paying 10,000? PFT they should pay her to wear it.

damn fuck.

The I shop at Forever 21 starter pack.