
I guess I'm one of the rare people that actually enjoyed the Tommyknockers when it came out. I thought the idea of a ghost story about aliens was pretty cool. In fact I rank it closer to one of my favorites then towards the crappy books he has put out.

Yeah that's not a good one to start out on. The video and Michael Stipes outfit alone is enough to turn off anyone.

Oh yeah Fables! Left that one out. Completely agree. Didn't care for Monster though.

Life's Rich Pageant is and will always be my favorite REM album. Followed closely by Document, Green, and Reckoning.

I still mark being introduced to REM at 13 in 1985 by an older sister and her friends as the moment that set me along the path of "alternative" or underground music. For that, I'm extremely grateful. People even today ask me where I find the bands I listen to and it's too long of a story to recount how one intro led

It's almost like they know what I've shopped for previously!

Fucked Up and The Constantines: yes. Drake: no.

Well, it was a while ago, and I'm from Detroit so there's that too.

Love Lightfoot.

It aired Saturday nights at 8PM. I worked in a restaurant so I worked every Saturday. I fucking set my VCR to record it! But, I knew it was doomed to fail. The target demographic was definitely not watching tv at that time. So it goes…

Memories Monday.

I love so many Canadian bands. And I love Canada. I'm from Michigan so I'm almost Canadian. The Montreal indie bands influenced my life. Also Toronto is a really clean city. (Gutter punks not included.)

Way to take a stand in the title.

I shouldn't watch tv stoned. I get too keyed in on nuances of script and direction and performance. It makes me nit-picky.

I'll keep the creepy old man thing going. I'd hang out with Haim if you know what I'm saying…

I haven't seen it mentioned yet but I may have missed it, but what's everyone's take on the argument with Andreas step-dad and the other guy at the cemetery? I have to go back and re-listen to what was being yelled.

Damn, The Beastie Boys were really prolific!

Is Jay Reatard filed under J or R? If I organize my collection it goes under J but maybe that's just me.

I was a bit of a smoking light weight at the time and my friend always had insane shit so it got dangerously close to mini freak out for awhile but I rode it out and everything was just peachy.

Got really high during Os Mutantes though.