
I was neck-deep in indie/underground at this point in my life. I only knew most of these bands peripherally or by their fans. Not trying to earn cool points or anything, just didn't affect me much.

All I know for sure is I listen to Pet Sounds waaay more often. I'm a Revolver, Rubber Soul kinda dude.

Yeah, but that numb-nuts in the White house sure acts like he's drinking and drugging enough for all of us.

Hey Ian Astbury did the best he could. Long live The Cult - love!

There was a non -Merchant maniacs era? Damn, learn something new everyday.

I always seem to create my characters look with about a 60% douchebag thing going on. I'm honestly not sure why. In fact my first attempt was way too much and had to start over after the first planet. Couldn't imagine staring at that dick for God knows how many hours.

I personally love Grandaddy. They definitely have their schtick but I'm a sucker for it. I guess I like beeps and whistles and harmony.

Horizon Zero Dawn. That is all.

Who needs Intel when you have Breitbart?

Trump MO: Deny, distract, deflect.

User name/comment synergy.

Damn… I've always wanted to be mentioned. But no, seriously, fantastic.

There's a few in MI. now.

I actually agree with this. Too obvious. It'll come across as heavy-handed I think.

Tractor Rape Chain - Guided by Voices

Damn, Why do people keep dying?!.. It's like a conspiracy or something..

Hey, look. We've all killed people. Let's not keep score.

Loved her in Shakes the Clown. So cool she would do that. Just shows she had a great sense of humor. RIP.

I used to buy a gas station hot pocket every night on my drunken walk home from the bar in my early 20's. I cant remember if I felt any shame.

All I need is Kill, Ride, Master, and Justice. Just my opinion though. Don't yell at me.