
I like the 7 Seconds version as well.

So, I have the whole season DVR'd but haven't watched yet. Should I? (Enjoyed the first season btw..)

With-Drew. It's simple. I like it!

I have a mental image of Arya dressed in chefs clothes, covered in flour, pans strewn everywhere and racing around trying to get the pie done in time.

No Devo? Man that just sucks.

Arthur Treachers? I have real hazy memories of eating fish sticks there as a kid.

How do zombie penis' work? Can zombies get aroused? Asking for a friend.

"I don't care if he's a bastard, he's got Ned Starks blood flowing through him! Wait, what?… Really?.. Oh well, who cares! King of the North! King of the North!"

I don't understand this headline. "When I fellate a microphone, I should do(?) better(?) than Roadies." Um, yeah. Still don't get it. Oh well, moving on.

I feel like fast food places are just trolling stoners now. Or just making them really happy I guess..

I couldn't agree more. I guess I was hoping for something a little bit darker in a movie where all of humanity and civilization is in danger of being wiped out.

Fall Out Boy = Grammar warriors.

Too many horns for the masses. Just a thought. Btw I love Fishbone.

Anyone with a sexy replacement waiting in the wings should die. Look out Wun Wun! I hear there's a really hot giant still north of the wall.

It better not be Ghost. I couldn't take another direwolf. That said, I'd bet on Smalljon and Wun Wun. (Sad face)

Ah. Okay. As I said in a previous comment, I seem to be trying to extrapolate extra mysteries where they may not even be. I hope that doesn't mean that I'm finding the show a bit boring and trying to make it more exciting in my head.

I guess what I was wondering was if she already knows about the wildfire to the point that she was having it produced how would its existence be a rumor she needed Qyburn and his little birds to verify? That's why I thought it might be something different. Did we ever find out what Tommen whispered to her a few

Wasnt he hanging with Ilyrio (?) in book 5 when he helped Tyrion escape Kings Landing? My memory is failing me.

The Nights King has started putting out a newsletter.

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