
Yes, I could see that. Just don't know why he would refer to it as a secret mission. But whatever. I think I'm looking for bigger mysteries than maybe are there lately.

Yeah, I thought the same thing.

And Drogon just flew off after dropping Dany off. Is he going to burn the slaver ships or is he just gonna go do some dragon stuff?

And where is Varys going? Sorry. I have questions.

So what is the rumor that Cersei and Qyburn were mentioning?

Damn, that was probably the cheesiest episode of GOT yet. So hokey and melodramatic and over-acted. Still freaking love it though.

You have to actually have some sex to become addicted to it though.

Hey let's make a Quadrophenia sequel! Is there gonna be any music from The Who? No? Well, lets do it anyway. How bad could it be?

Was it just me or is there a chance Arya had some sort of plan going? I know getting stabbed in the stomach and thrown in a canal doesn't seem like much of a plan, but I thought it strange she was walking around all smiley, hands behind her back strolling in broad daylight. Maybe she is pulling off some bad-ass fake

"Coming up this week on Talking Emo!: Ehh, never mind…"

If it's a somewhat large book I'm constantly trying to find the best position to read the damn thing. On my back? Stomach? Curled up in a fetal position? I usually end up quitting.

I was once able to watch this show as a somewhat mindless slightly amusing blather while I often did something else(like come here.) But then I watched an episode stoned and it was the most annoying worst thing in the world. The hackneyed jokes, canned laughter and generic writing just stood out so much I keyed in on

I'm having a problem deciding whom I would root for in the Cleganebowl. Initially it's Hound all the way but I despise the Faith militant and all that they stand for. So what, I root for the Mountain and Cersei? Tough choice is all I'm saying…

My favorite is "Is funner a word? Way to go Minnesota!

Hmm. Didn't know he wrote one. I could go for some Spade memories I guess. I'll keep an eye out for it. Also if I'm being honest I do stop and watch a few minutes of Joe Dirt when I flip past TBS and it's on.


I'm in the minority but I like David Spade. I mean I don't watch his movies,TV shows, standup(?) but for some inexplicable reason I have an endearment towards him. Weird.

Why so sad, hoodie guy?…

The Fifth Season. J.K. Jemison. Had heard good things for awhile and finally started reading it. Digging it so far.

Hehe. Moist sack…