
You live in OH. You are entitled to nothing and you’ll like it. 

haha how embarrassing that you typed all of that. you should be studying for your AP government exam!!!

Oh honey.

I wonder if this will be the sort of issue managed via charging. smaller batteries but abundant places to charge? Solar panels roof mounted? Dunno.

Ok but how can he make more xenophobic comments in the future?

huh? you’d sell the car you already own, rather than just not buying others in the future?

wait, did you not read the article? Or read it and not understand it?

Took a lot of focus for him to keep his hands off the ball though. Good team player.

ok but who called him competent? you honestly believe that? Shockingly gullible.

Right but we’ve known for...decades? that these type of efficient market hypotheses don’t hold. So there may be nothing sinister to it inherently, but it’s very flawed nonetheless.

hmmmmm the eau de douche is strong from the first sentence on. Good going!


wow you really told him

Porter is the shit! Their terminal in Toronto also includes free cappuccinos.

I know you’re desperately searching for a justification for your vote for Trump. This is healthy! Your subconscious has already realized how dumb you were to do that, and now you’re fighting it...hope you make it through this and come out well on the other side!

it’s a...bold suggestion. I’ll consider it, why not!

Thanks! Let us waited with bated breath!

Quick question to you/all. I was interested in finding the towing capacity of the diesel. What I want is a hatchback that can tow a 1,000 trailer safely. Plus 3 passengers I guess, and some but not a ton of gear. I was hoping to avoid a larger crossover but may not be able to?

careful not to catch that strawman on fire!