Personally my favorite was when he was plugging Living With Yourself and they edited the clip to put two weird alien things at the end
Personally my favorite was when he was plugging Living With Yourself and they edited the clip to put two weird alien things at the end
Let us not forget the one time it was gloriously done by proxy
I love how the article tries to insinuate that it was terrible that she took a week to respond to this manufactured controversy. Y’all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
That’s clearly Seth Rogen in the header image.
Extemely Niche Shop’s Moving Sparks Extremely Niche Outrage
Stay tuned on Twitter. It’ll pop up on my Substack newsletter eventually.
That film and “The Creeping Terror”, especially after I watched “The Creep Behind The Camera” which gives a lot of backstory behind that mess.
Yeah, I'm gonna keep on thinking it's a haunted love song about an elderly ghost instead.
And they’re not always wholly unnecessary Directors Cuts either: sometimes they are, as with say Alien, where they basically commissioned a new edit of the film from him for the novelty value (not that I have any objection to the director’s cut); but Blade Runner seemed to me to require a definitive statement of…
Yes, yes it can. Just because you don’t care doesn’t mean others don’t. Don’t be so dense.
Cant argue there. Dennis Hopper yelling I'M THE LORD OF THE HARVEST is something you don't forget easily.
I genuinely love Lifeforce, for all its retro-Hammer movie/Quatermass-esque feel. Invaders From Mars is less distinctive, but not awful either.
Give me an Anthony Carrigan spin-off. Or just give Anthony Carrigan a movie. Or another TV show. Just give me more Anthony Carrigan.
I finally read the book...and realized it was written more than a decade before the movie...and that it is just as perfect as the movie...and that it has even more stuff!
In my rare, and if I may, brave, opinion, Archer Vice was actually a bit rubbish.
I was one of the few who watched it on Yahoo back in the day and I absolutely still love this little show! It’s so good!!