Trump’s take on everything is like your friend who only keeps up with the news via Facebook.
Trump’s take on everything is like your friend who only keeps up with the news via Facebook.
Co-signing the person who already responded. If you’re already on bad terms, trying to appear as though everything is hunky-dory and make a very public comment via social media platform is a pretty bad move.
Also - dunno if SJP reached out privately to express condolences, but if she’s only leaving a comment on Insta? No thanks. So impersonal and tacky and manipulative.
Oh jesus - that “outtake” compilation should be used as a torture device when questioning criminals.
I’m guessing she either waits until almost everyone has boarded (or counts passengers waiting to board). Or, if she takes someone’s seat and gets caught she just pulls the ol “ooops I misread my ticket”. The more troubling thing here though really is how she gets by without a passport.
Yeah... it’s so weird. Bloggers never used to engage with commenters, or at least as far back as I can remember which is when Lindy was still here. It’s like people lost their shit because a blogger responded to them and that somehow validated them, because the blogger was an asshole.
Same. She was a rude asshole that other rude assholes propped up because she reinforced their behavior. Hard pass. And also, what the hell is Freeform? This whole circle jerk interview is like congratulating your friend who moved on from working at the grocery store to working at the mall.
yeah... i don’t know what the hell Freeform is because I guess it’s not normal cable or a streaming service I’ve ever heard of, but good for her!
So currently at my office there is a major shitstorm because someone wrote a Glassdoor review and accused our boss of being sexist. We are a small (but growing) tech company. This post was brutal.
He has this air about him that really makes me get the impression he thinks he’s pulling one over on everyone. Like he’s just sooooo smooth. I get the same ick factor from George Clooney, but in a different way.
Woooooof- that is awkward AF. Why are they even still together?
I will say this though - before I got married I was in a relationship with a dude who I was very upfront with about wanting to be married before I was 30 (I have pcos and knew it would be difficult to get married, and being married before having kids was important to me.) anyway, this dude was aware of the situation…
I also read he was hooking up with Lorde, which age difference aside is fucked. It seemed that they were all friendly.
I read revealwd blind item that he was hooking up with Lorde, which is really shitty if true. But then I could have told you he was never going to propose back when they announced they would get engaged when gay people could get married. Girl, if it’s been three years since THAT and still no ring... that’s a…
no - the sister is saying that even though her dad had a second family they weren’t rejected. OP obviously knows that Meghan’s mom was the other woman.
I keep telling myself they’re just things. Maybe if they didn’t have so much sentimental value I wouldn’t care as much. But man, what a bummer.
Ooooo- I hadn’t thought to call the gate. The SeaTac phone line is completely automated and when I called the airline they re-routed me to the lost and found at the airport😩😩😩
Their lost and found opens on Monday, so i’m going to call then. Keeping my fingers crossed tho!
Omg - I just came here to make a very real crafting post. I had spent the last three weeks working on knitting a hat for my husband - I spent $50 on yarn, it was coming along v nicely (I hadn’t really knit anything in a year + so I was proud of it) and it was almost done. Just got home from the airport and realized I…
Omg I had the hugest crush on J Goldblum in Jurassic Park. He was SO HOT AND IT MADE ME FEEL DANGEROUS