
Have any of you been to Southeast DC lately? May I interest you in a 1 bed, 1 bath 700 sq. ft. condo for half a million dollars?

People keep making this point under the assumption that a World Series game was attended exclusively by people who live within 20 minutes of the stadium. I live on the VA/NC border and have friends who drove five hours to go to game 4. It’s not just DC natives.

It’s not as if many people from the hood can afford WS tickets. Those boos came from people with money.

My favorite was the clip where the crowd cheers the troops, boos the president and then cheers someone else over the course of about 30 seconds.

Yeah, but you gotta figure that the folks who are attending a World Series game are reasonably affluent, especially in the suite sections where Trump was. And as they announced the death of the ISIS leader that morning (with Trump personally performing the five finger exploding heart technique on the guy), maybe he

Has anyone remained friends with someone after a break up? (A real, living together, had anniversaries break up)?

This is not the Biden who schooled Paul Ryan, as he is past his date.  It's time to let the other kids on the playground.  

And the real kicker is that he probably doesn’t really care all too much about the LGBT community in either a positive or negative sense. I’m sure he has gay or lesbian friends, and likely hasn’t spent one second of his life stomping around fuming about gay sex practices or the “homosexual agenda”. I have no idea what

HR works for management to protect the company. The sooner people realize this, the sooner you will understand the true role of your HR deparment.

Please dont act like you are a real journalist. You write stories about reality TV and lip balm, get over yourself.

People are really into beady eyes, these days. Beady eyes and a square jaw. Like some of the famous dudes named Chris and That Channing guy. Yuck!

Lindsey strikes me more as an Aunt than Uncle but whatevs. Wish Joy had taken her earrings off 

I’m the conductor of the “Jennifer Lawrence is wildly overrated” train. Feel free to hop on!

when Lana Del Rey is calling you out on being a rich WASP, you know you’ve fucked up 

You know after Trump I would have thought I’d never be eager to see a president live tweet their TV viewing ever again, but I’d totally be down for following President Warren live-tweet all of that HBO she watches (we all know how much she loves Ballers!).

I just read excerpts of this to my quasi-drunk husband as a silence breaker after the end of GoT. He just keeps yelling ‘Colin WHAT?!’

One time a driver told me he used to be special forces in the CIA (which I’m pretty sure isn’t a real thing) and told me about doing some state sponsored murder of some brown people in Biafra or some shit.

Pretty much every ride I've ever taken, the driver was pretty much a total psycho, spinning yarns that were obvious lies. While it makes for good stories to tell your friends, sometimes i, an introvert, just hate every minute of it. I welcome this option.

can’t believe the AAP hasn’t come after Kim about having all the shit in the crib with that baby

So, Fieri’s wife chooses to comment on his hair and clothes, and NOT on the fact her husband created Donkey Sauce? Honey, you got way bigger man babies to fry here.