
This lady absolutely seems like the only reason she wants to tell the wife is to hurt the dude. Obviously (unless they have some arrangement) that would devastate the wife, which this crazy person doesn’t seem to care about. She absolutely only cares about herself and needs to get over it - he doesn’t want you.

I vote you can’t write any blogs unless you’re capable of doing so without fucking up details. Charlotte’s husband was Harry. Why do you always fuck up details in every story you write and then have some excuse.

For me, Jen Garner is SO likable that I can’t imagine it not being key to who she is. Jessica Biel is like a subdued golden retriever.

It’s sad, really. I think that kind of behavior falls in line with thinking that going along with it will win the respect of men- ie, being the cool girl -and who the fuck cares about that? I want the respect of other women.

Omg - lol

I especially hate how she hired gay nannies in what was obviously an attempt to keep Jt from cheating with a hot nanny

Omg I hate them so much. Not only has JT capitalized on his Britney relationship YEARS after they broke up -and was even married to someone else - he can’t exist without riding the coattails of others.

Omg - the Olsen twins. I have a theory that they started dressing like grandmas partly because they were overly sexualized in their youth. I actually referenced the countdown to their being 18 to my husband the other day and he hadn’t known of its existence and was grossed out.

I mean - if anyone can tell who what woman is from her face being obscured by an umbrella, sure.

The fact that you think it’s not trashy to use “ass” instead of any other version of a word to describe a butt while testifying in a court case speaks volumes. That’s all.

While I agree that using coarser language very well seems to be deliberate, I don’t think it has anything to do with being “ladylike”. If a man were using the same language it would seem just as odd.


I mean, it sounds funny, but “backside” or “butt” or sure, even “behind”. I guess they could be going for perceived to be “more serious” with ass, but it sounds trashy af.

Does anyone else think it’s odd how both Taylor and her mom keep using “ass” instead of ANY other derivative of “butt”?

I grew up with a friend whose last name is swift. It’s pretty common. I mean it’s not like she was trying to come up with a stage name or something because holy shit that would be the worst stage name.

Omg. One time let me tell you the story about how during the week of my wedding my mom was convinced someone stole her iPad from the hotel room.

I work for a tech company with an app utilized by charities and places of worship. Each day only is a further reminder of why church people are the absolute worst.

J-Law, I thought? I remember an interview on Fresh Air about her living in some apartment with cockroaches while she was trying it make it. I could be wrong.

Yeah, I’ve never understood the hullabaloo surrounding her. She’s pretty but doesn’t elicit the response she’s got.

My nieces have a father who is a piece of shit — like, he’s a serial rapist and never told my sister he had been arrested and charged. My sister has divorced him, but he’s still their father. My sister has taught them they never have to hug or kiss anyone if they don’t want to. Sometimes I will ask for a hug, and they