
That’s kind of bizarre. Maybe he has really fat fingers or something (most likely) but men who don’t wear wedding rings give a bad smell.

It was yellow from all the pee, duh

My husband pointed out that trump wasn’t wearing his wedding ring while he was signing papers in the oval office

My husband pointed out that trump wasn’t wearing his wedding ring while signing shit in the Oval Office

This video had me tearing up at my desk earlier today. We got this. We can get through this!

Ive been crying all day. I was feeling optimistic, but now I feel exactly how I did after the election.

hipsters - like five years ago.

I’m always trying to figure out what that face he’s always making is. I’ve narrowed it down to being constipated while trying to talk to someone whose dog died when he doesn’t really care.

Megan. How did you ever get the night shift at Jezebel job — you can’t even get the facts in a story correct. Chevy Chase is in Maryland.

It does sound fun - with a different VP elect, of course. Megan doesn’t really ever seem to know what she’s talking about. Chevy Chase isn’t even in D.C.

Perjury is absolutely a crime.

TBH - i’m 33 and there are plenty of people who were around while Bubba was on trial and they thought he was impeached for getting a blow j. And that was while it was actually happening.

omg ME TOO - although that wasn’t always the case. When I was dating my husband my biggest personal problem was I was looking for things wrong with him. Is he perfect? hell nah - but given my history of dating shitheads I couldn’t help it. I know, that’s bad.

But then she would be able to turn them down - if anything I would hope to be asked for the opportunity to say “no thanks!”

She wasn’t born rich though. I mean, her parents weren’t destitute but they weren’t super wealthy. She married into the DeVos family.

I am from Grand Rapids, MI - where Betsy DeVos and her family are from. I went to school with a DeVos. They are awful, awful people. There will always be those from Grand Rapids that say “But they’ve done so much for the city!” It’s true, they (with the Van Andels, the other family that started Amway) OWN Grand

YES OH MY GOD THIS. Never mind the fact that he himself doesn’t fit any definition of conventional attractiveness, but he’s more than ready to neg you to death.

But he’s not even cute. WHAT. AM. I. MISSING.

Pretty sure “that age” lasted until I was about 28. Woof.