hercules q. einstein

Of course being a celebrity doesn’t excuse bad manners. My point was that Charlize is known to be a rude jerk in general. And that it’s lame to try to chat up celebrities. That’s all.

But Charlize IS rude. It’s her MO. She probably tells kittens and unicorns to fuck off on a daily basis. But we don’t know what really happened and what Tia said - she might have just said hi or she might have tried to start up a conversation. Honestly, I don’t care either way or who was right or wrong or rude.

Well I don’t know her at all but I’ve read that she’s one of the biggest assholes in hollywood.

No, my point was to leave people alone when they are working out. She was rude but that it’s par for the course for her because she’s a known jerk.

She is notorious for being very mean but I can sort of understand why she was annoyed at SoulCycle. First, this Mowry person is D list at best and there’s no way Theron knew who she was. People should really leave people alone when they are working out. And maybe leave celebs alone everywhere? They don’t want to

thank you

That was the entire point of my comment; that it’s not called the stomach flu. But I don’t understand the hostility from you - my comments are usually cheerful dumb jokes and I never get in arguments with other commenters and I often star your posts - just not sure where this is coming from.

Ugh, such mixed feelings and we really don’t have much info. But an IQ of 66 seems like more than a mild impairment.

I have no interest in further engaging on this.

When you have to explain your point to everyone, the problem is with you.

This is the pictorial section, dumbass. And the story about this woman’s unknown photography is fascinating. There are plenty of places for you to go read about Trump.

PSA: There is no such thing as a stomach flu. It’s such a pet peeve of mine because the “real” flu is so much worse and when people call every minor stomach ache or cold “the flu” it makes bosses less likely to be cool with people being out of the office for a week or so when they actually have influenza.

Thank you. I can’t believe all of the “you go girl!” comments I’ve seen about her.

I’m sure they love her and are grieving terribly, but the way they milked the story for cash is disgusting to me.

I went out of town and left my windows open for fresh air like a dummy (higher floor apartment so I wasn’t worried about a break-in). Hurricane Irene hit NY while I was away and I spent most of my vacation worrying about what I would find when I got home.

It’s neither! I was wrong - I was researching it and got confused by an article about a different Charlie from the UK who needed life-saving treatment. I didn’t read it closely enough to notice the different last name.

Yes!! “Never go to a doctor who has dead office plants”

I was wrong - I was reading an article about a similar case in the UK and both children are named Charlie. But I agree with your sentiment.

Turns out I was incorrect! I was looking at an article about another Charlie from the UK who needed experimental treatment and didn’t realize it was a different child. But really good point about what happens after the treatment.

Ugh! I was trying to research it and didn’t realize I was reading an article about a different Charlie in the UK who needed treatment.