
people are generally assholes, even with their real names attached. we don’t notice it as much in the offline world as adults because we generally get to pick who we interact with outside of work, but people are still, fundamentally, assholes.

4) Afteran entire console generation and much anticipation, the mod releases, only for players to discover the mod is a weird mishmash of old-ass game plots glued together, by bad writing, out of place modern politics, and a weird pedophilic “romance”.

Canada went from $50 games in the late 360 era (2011) to $90 games by 2014. For a lot of gamers in Canada, Oceania, and other nominally developed countries, gaming is more expensive now than ever.

NFTs are digital trading cards except ones that cause massive amounts of pollution

Steam sales of any game available on multiple stores always outnumber the other store fronts combined, but that doesn’t stop companies from taking Epic’s money to be a freebie down the road or Epic’s money to be an Epic Timed Exclusive.

Square's probably hoping for some of that Epic Store Freebie money, tbqh

Can’t believe Andy himself showed up to the comment section with a sockpuppet on his arm. Just the dumbest man alive, really.

There's an anime with this premise — Space Brothers

When it came to heat in the kitchen, Troy couldn’t take it, so he had to Leavitt

yeah but have you ever deliberately eaten a once-rare rookie card as part of high school performance art? or used a common vintage collection of Hartford whaler cards as bookmarks? take that, crypto nerds.

The PS5 version is legit.

Lower power consumption. Roku-class devices use just 5w of power whereas modern consoles use multiples of hundreds of watts.

Canada had a similar loophole until Porky’s Playhouse came out and was too successful, to the point of becoming a box office behemoth and sparking moral outrage from the Christianists.

Cheaper to develop, reaches a more broad segment of easily exploited people. With a mobage, you can resell the same content over and over and over, whereas console games used to require a ton of new assets and cinematics to develop.

Had a launch onyx black unit before the kiddo drowned it (they wanted to five their nintendog a bath). Fantastic little units whose pocket-sized presence is sorely missed.

I hoof to tail mother on ye if ye use more than three puns a sentence.

Tusk-tusk, one does not simply make a pun about such a hairy escape

It’s very much a Rebirth, rather than a Remake.

Ah, you may be thinking of Old World, from the designers of Offworld Fading Company and Civilization IV.

[awards a Pedant's Pendant]