
Tgere was a split in the Baptists over the issue of slavery; the white supremacist slaver fucks created the Southern Baptists and are still fuming about abolition.

Stephen -

Tags miiiiight have been removed by the site devs for search engine optimization reasons. Or for any number of reasons, ordered by any level of management. Tags always brought me joy and I miss seeing then. Filed to: whyyyyyyyyyy

even HamNo wasn't flailing this much in his weekly sermons. Nathan has skills but moralizing isn't one.

Alexis Ohanion and the late, great Aaron Swartz were the quintessential geeks’ geeks — long hours of crunch, living on ramen and whatever was on sale, etc. Feels a bit like kicking the puppy.

fuck cancer.

essentially free money for the devs since their playerbase is relatively small, and they can always double dip when they launch on Steam.

Since Hitman 2 never made it to the Epic Game Store, odds are it will debut as an EGS-subsidized weekly giveaway at some point this year the same way Hitman 1 did.

Nah. When g/o management cut the video departments at nearly every outlet, the Highlight Reel show got axed, too.

Rideable sharks were two seasons ago, sadly.

BoxedWine is the web-based tool you’re thinking of, but it is quite slow — around 1500 times slower than a Virtual Machine in virtualbox.

Thank you, Ash, and my thanks

Yes, yes istrasci is stupid enough to believe that despite all the damning reporting, despite the burnout, despite all evidence, istrasci thinks unions bad.

oh no

Wait, Apex finally got a cross platform patch?!?

Throwback Tuesday:

This season was the worst, gameplay-wise. Fortnite has rarely felt like work (since C1S7, at least) but this... This felt like work.

Heck yeah, welcome back, Bix, and congrats on your first Kotaku freelance piece. Timely, thorough, and in-depth — we’ve missed your coverage sorely.