Seriously... The guy is just driving different cars and playing sound clips from movies. They look nothing like the scene they're copying. How is this so popular?
Seriously... The guy is just driving different cars and playing sound clips from movies. They look nothing like the scene they're copying. How is this so popular?
A lot of these are really cool.
What the fuck is wrong with you people? Sinead pulls a classic slut shaming stunt and Miley is STILL your personal pinata?? What in the actual fuck you guys.
I can't believe I'm saying this but LEAVE MILEY ALONE ALREADY.
The biggest, most heinous trolls I've ever encountered online were the ones that accused others of being trolls.
Please do not lump Vonnegut in with them!
That sandwich in that picture needs to get in my belly.
As a straight man, I am 100% in favor of this. We need equal opportunity eye candy. Booth babes for those who want them, and booth bros for those who want them. Equal opportunity objectification for all!
Ok Microsoft, thanks for making it so easy for millions of your customers.
Get it folks? don't buy it, lets all just go to PS4 where we can play offline.
Let the mass exodus of 360 owners begin...!
These comments make me feel like my friends and I are the only ones who really get into the game and talk strategy like that.
Oh no. Enthusiasm. How awful.
And this is exactly why this system will miserably fail. Reminds me of how I lost my Skype account because a former friend of mine didn't like my personal opinion on something.
Or you know... customers. People who might not agree with their new directions.
It's ArmA without the shooting.
Lots of companies require men to be in suit+tie 24/7. Are you that naiive?
"why do you stop being friends once she turns you down?" Because if you have feelings for her, continuing to hang out and be, like, a non-sexual fake-boyfriend, is not going to get those feelings to go away, and isn't going to help you meet a real, actual girlfriend. Liking a girl (at least for me) isn't just a…