Herb & Spice


The sad things is, that the league could give front office jobs to OJ and A. Hernandez and 90% of us would still tune in on Sunday.

One more inch, and Tony D'Amato's speech would have actually made sense.

What a sane person does, is forget that they called animal control, drive outside the city, and release the raccoon. For an example of what someone does who most likely took part in some kind of animal abuse while they were entering puberty and maturing sexually and never confronted or dealt with those issues, see

I think the tide is starting to turn in Snyder's favor, as the above picture clearly illustrates that his team's name is something that he too, must live with.

Pictured: Stan Musical

"He's set to be the gayest cowboy since John Wayne."

It's important to note that the most cumulative retired players record still belongs to the Yankees.

He was just practicing what he preached as a hockey coach and following through with contact.

Fall from dis-grace.

He was seen leaving the stadium wearing a Patriots hoodie with the sleeves cut off.

Chicago resident Patrick Kane attended the game, as he strongly believes in ensuring a 4th quarter always comes back.

Funny, because collectively bargained drugs have always worked out well for me and my friends.

Does avoiding the luxury tax include no upgrades to business class?

Let's hope. But if Lindros has a say, the 'diques' part may be spelled differently.

As the old saying goes: What happens in Vegas, ruins any last hopes of professional hockey remaining viable.

You could argue that to some, your first take of the headline probably ended with at least one happy ending. Maybe two depending on his stamina.


Of all the places to appear more black, St. Louis may not be the best.

Shaw broke his shanks doing something stupid, and is now seeking redemption [voiced by Morgan Freeman].