
I don’t know you but sending lots of good vibes your way. I’m so sorry for your Dad, your boyfriend, your flat, your body, your job, and for being back home in a shitty Texas town. If on any future day you find yourself down, please remember that one time this anonymous stranger on the internet wished you all the


sigh. this is so depressing.

I wonder how much those polls contributed to the result. Remember when sites like this one absolutely RIPPED 538 for having the audacity to give Trump a 25% chance. They referenced all of the sites that had Hillary with a 99% chance of winning.

Anecdotal evidence, I know, but -

This is the most 2016 thing I’ve read in the past hour.

Well, he’s just putting into practice Trump’s boast that he could shoot someone in the street and not lose any support. Turns out: true enough!

So glad I chose this time to leave a blue state to move to the South: “It’s much more progressive these days!” I told my spouse; now I’m looking into stocking up on guns.

He also cancelled the press conference where he was going to tell us all about how he would deal with his conflicts of interest. He has no intention of removing the conflicts or finding an ethical way to manage them. He is setting up a kleptocracy and he thinks no one will stop him.

Poor Tiffany, even when she is standing right in front of her dad he will do everything he can to ignore her...

Men fight for valid reasons because they are so strong and brave and unemotional and have PRINCIPLES. Women fight because they are weak and cowardly and emotional and lack principles. So tired of the double standard. So very tired. Going back to bed now.

And you want to know why a woman didn’t get elected President? Because people still think like this. Also, Russia.

I bet even if they don’t walk away all bffs, they’re all having a better time working with a group of all women than they would be if it was just one of them in a group of men.

You see, when women fight, it’s stupid, petty drama that’s deserving of the reductive term “cat fight.” When men fight, it’s all about creative differences. Like Alec Baldwin’s tantrum over his beard on the set of The Edge or Jared Leto’s contrived antics on the set of the Suicide Squad.

“There’s consensus on that, not so much the Russia thing.” There’s actually a pretty good consensus that the Russians beat back the German invasion and then ground them down into nothing. They did that “pretty much head to head.”

Indeed he is. I always sort of knew this, but it really hit me over the head like a hammer the Wednesday morning after the election when he got up at the podium in the Rose Garden and gave this nice speech that tried to be bright and hopeful and conciliatory and there was nothing but a constant stream of total

From a game theory perspective it may be better to sit back and let him implode. As the saying goes,” just because you shot jesse james don’t make you jesse james.”

“Hey, we single-handedly beat the Germans in WWII.”

The fact that the Soviet Army did most of the heavy lifting against Germany in WWII ruins your point.