
I think one needs to experience a life of chronic physical pain to know where he is coming from. A little empathy is not too much to ask.

Go fuck yourself.

She's doing it because idiots give her thousands and thousands of dollars in Kickstarter funds and ad revenue, and stirring controversy and being simultaneously hated and loved by two extremely divided factions is the easiest way to get shitloads of clicks.

They only do it for clicks.

Kotaku you have let me down once again. Here I thought GG has become irrelevent and you bring this dead horse back from the dead.

Well, he has 2 million subscribers sooo. He's a pretty big deal and has clout.

I want to design a game that has a similar feature. I would call it "junk swagger," and would involve a QWOP-like interface.

Any game that has a breast slider and a breast bounciness slider should be given awards.

... I'll need proof of that claim.

Sounds like they're not looking for team-players, but groupthinkers

I've worked in retail for going on 25 years now.

You are exactly correct. It's not just teens working these jobs anymore. But this speaks to a larger problem of education and United States citizens not being qualified to do anything else. Why should businesses be punished b/c the workforce, as a whole, is underqualified?

My point is, not every single job in this country is designed, nor should it, to be a "career" job. The fry guy/girl at Wendy's shouldn't be able to raise 2 kids on their hourly rate. Raising the minimum wage (basically doubling it) will only lead to more people being out of work. Revenue doesn't magically increase

Not every position is designed to be a "career" job.

Do feel good supporting politicians who actually have the ability to do something about this?

I've been officially burned. Well done.

You know that made no sense.

What is fair pay?

Go away.

I stopped watching his tattoo around at half of his back, the rest is trash, even though I haven't seen it yet.