
Obvious troll is obvious.

I really liked your article.

I'm probably going to get flak for this, but I think this looks extremely interesting to play. I have a morbid fascination with this kind of violence, I'm kind of a crime junky in that respect where I've read about all the mass murders and serial killers. The capability for extreme violence lives in us all, just some

I gave it a shot

I don't think they care.

I've gotta ask what value "the movement" here has in the first place. They've done near fuck all for games journalism, and seem so preoccupied with feminism and women in general that bullshit like this is becoming more common place as a result.

The problem with morons doing this kind of treats is that it protects Anita from criticism and at the same time diverts the discussion from the real issues. The feminist movement has a lot of valid points but I reckon there are far better representatives for their cause.

All people who've been Doxxed for supporting Gamergate. We'll never see an article about them.

At least she is getting some publicity out of it.

No its not only her. But Kotaku has an agenda to push. The game director from Black Ops 2 at its height got 1,000's of death threats a day. No one cared then.

I would love a filter to hide all Patricia and Jason articles as well as anything Brony related or cross links from Jezebel.

Did just read this bit of info;

I always thought the narrative of these games would improve 10x if they focused on the stuff in the trailer, but they always have that "animus" non-sense and it totally kills the flow.

Played it today, got annihilated as monster. Was def fun though

said every internet commenter about a popular IP ever........

Now playing

Can you get around to finally addressing this issue . You and other writers have an obligations to report the truth. Gamer gate had real issues and you all dismissed them. It's time to separate the blogger from the journalist.

The offender is not suddenly a victim of misogyny because she is female, that would be a rather sexist thing to say. The facts are that she misled and abused multiple men for her own personal gains.

HA. He is in damage control mode, and lying through his teeth. If he wanted to foster discussion he would do an article on the considerable corruption occurring instead of covering his ass and blaming gamers again.

Make sure to mention that was added on like 2 years after the fact. And is a carefully worded lie of omission, we know for a fact they were more than friends.

I may duck this game now. I like fun shooters that have level options, but if its getting into endgame raid content it may not be for me. I played enough WOW to last a lifetime and I like games with endings now :)