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Next time, show him this video and tell him that being an asshole doesn’t mean someone is smart.

That was where I lost it, too.

Strongly agree with this article.

Pffft. You amateur. I shoplift all the time and I’ve never been caught because I ALWAYS take someone with me I can fake propose to. If I’m really worried, I might also bring along 6 accomplices. You better believe we’re living large in free t-shirts that your insurance premiums paid for. The Man will never stop us

And if it’s done in a way that’s incredibly sensitive and about the story, what are they worried about? I don’t understand that.

And, of course, the famous “I betcha $1 I can tell you where ya got dem shoes.”

In New Orleans it is the Veteran(s) near the WWII museum with a Home Depot orange bucket collecting donations to (insert veterans charity). Do not get me wrong, I truly believe in supporting veterans - but I do not think that the wounded warrior project is going to receive a dime of the money collected by these

My girlfriend has a name for those dudes. SNAGs. Sensitive New Age Guys. They’re always more outraged about someone eating a steak than women being sexually assaulted.

Ehhh...I don’t think anyone in Hollywood who gets paid $$$ would get patted on the back for scoffing at work. David Caruso, anyone?

Festivals suck. It’s usually just a lot of people rolling around in the field, horny for each other, wearing weird clothes they can’t wear to the office.“

The script is out there, I assume someone has compiled a synopsis of it. I can tell you that it’s a great script and well worth tracking down... a simple google search oughta do it.

Read the plot, read the reviews, read the competing fan theories, possibly even read the fanfiction, depending on who’s writing it (esp. cracktastic Good Place crossovers, given Mr. Harper’s presence)... basically, I may develop strong opinions about this piece of media I will not experience directly.

I’m so glad I’m not the only one who does this. No, I will not watch your scary movie but I will read the entire plot on Wikipedia.

Instead of associates, they should really have trained counselors patrolling the floor set, looking for couples in distress.

Aaaaah! Someone point me to the spoilers so I can read what happens but never watch this scary movie.

What do we say to the God Of Correcting Quotes?

CONAN: Well excuuuuuse me! (Slams down phone) Give him ten grand.
SECRETARY: Steve Martin on line two.
CONAN (points to phone): Ten grand.

This really serves as a lesson about the destructive power of hateful stereotypes.

I see what you mean, but well done is such a funny term for fries. Makes me imagine asking for medium rare ones. “Still a little pink inside.”