
Choose life is a directive or even a command while we should all be feminists is a weak suggestion you’d make about something you don’t feel is truly important, like you should eat vegetables every meal or you should call your parents more. It lacks conviction. I don’t think choose life is a mind blowing sentiment or

I thought that it was older and wanted it. New things like that are boring.

Really? It sits in a drawer now. Some day my great grand kid will be on Antiques Roadshow with it!

I bought this bunny sutra swatch back in the day. Thought it was hilarious. We were in Switzerland, it seemed like a good place to buy one. Every time you tap the glass, the hands point to a different position. It’s pretty cute. It’s no antique, but still.

He’s keeping that hand soft with Vaseline in the glove. For his woman.

I can’t see the dolphins. Am I sexual deviant? Help me.

I see no dolphins.

God, though. Doesn’t it bother you that only one hand is gloved? Like, what’s THAT gonna do?

I think I’ve seen/read a story like this. Someone sees numbers above the heads of people, but doesn’t know what they mean. One day the person is in a bus (or other vehicle) and every person around them has the same number above their heads. They realize that they can see people’s remaining life span. Since veryone

You mean it could have been LONGER?

Maybe he finally looked his daughter in the eye, only to be overwhelmed by existential despair when he saw how ashamed she was of him.

Now playing

There’s a deleted scene from the movie where the tour the gym. It starts at 10:59.

Those were gym equipment similar to this.

... and I’ve ridden the horse and camel.

My ‘girlfriend’ in 5th grade wrote me a breakup letter wishing I was on the Titanic.

I somehow read the headline as ‘husband sends letter to wife and daughter wishing they had been on board’ after it sunk.

I completely agree with you, she’s slicker than the other losers, she is after all the only one to get a spinoff.

My room mates first ever boyfriend would come with a robe to the door and ask me if they could have a few more hours private time.

ohhhh i had no idea the furnishings weren’t included!

I fucking hate the phrase “Love Nest.” It just reminds me of in college, when you’d go in someone’s room and it would just fucking REEK of sex and your friend and his/her fuckbuddy would be sitting there with smug-ass grins on their faces and messed up hair like anyone didn’t know what they’d just been doing. KEEP