
Agreed, but that’s an entirely different argument than what the majority are making about Mr. Beast. Very few people think Mr. Beast is a solution to the broken system, in fact I’d argue basically no one thinks this.

That doesn’t sound nuanced to me at all. We’ve all seen the arguments, we are all also online. We just think they are ridiculous gotchas that place Mr. Beast in an impossible scenario. He’s damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t, because you’ll always “what if?” your way into condemning his behavior.

? You haven’t responded to a single person. 

Why is there always the “life isn’t fair” guy justifying everything? Such a weird mentality. You’re the guy who is just mad if anyone is complaining because your life is hard and you sit there and take it. Maybe translate that self-loathing into empathy, and then acknowledge and listen to others to help make our world

He funds these charitable acts via the videos. It’s a machine that has to be fed by your views and engagement, that’s how he continues to do it. Once he starts a foundation, and is not able to monetize it then it will fail, which again goes right back to the writer’s point in this article. You seem to lack the

Especially when they just released a better trailer for a new set of guns to be sold in the store for Valorant lol

There’s been a gradual trend of what publicly appears to be less investment, this is just the most recent sign. Whether or not it makes sense to you it does appear to be some form of a shift. Maybe they are just cutting what they consider unnecessary costs to boost the business during a recession, while still

Thanks for this take. I honestly had never really considered it this way. All my duos are support or tank too so that lines up. I’ll try and link up with good DPS I see to queue with them.

Agreed, thanks for your comment as it adds a lot of color to how I personally feel (we seem to be on a very similar page). I have a lot of causes and things I choose to be active about but I recognize WE are all part of much bigger system with a lot working against us on individual and communal levels.

I cannot get out of Masters as Moira, how did you do it? :’(

I don’t think having the resources feed each other will work as well as you think from a game design perspective. It leads to really bad situations where Moira would be entirely useless, unless you find compensating abilities but then you likely will over complicate her hero. In my opinion, Moira is in the best spot

Only a terrible idea if you disagree with Moira entirely as a hero. This makes her kit more unified around it’s central theme of give and take. It’s an excellent change from that perspective.

I mean, sure they may use that as an excuse, but I don’t think their behavior will actually change. It’s not incentivized. 

I mean most of America is complicit in child labor, war crimes, global poverty, authoritarian regimes, racism, and the list goes on and on. That’s just the nature of capitalism, and getting on your high horse over this issue doesn’t make you morally superior. It just doesn’t.

So because JK Rowling doesn’t separate the art from the artist, we should agree with her. But we shouldn’t agree with her transphobic views?

Why are you only pissing in public bathrooms? 

It’s the only good Star Wars film from the newer two trilogies. 

As soon as you said we didn’t need your opinion I agreed, and then read through all you had to say. The irony for me here is the reason I agreed with us not needing your opinion is for exactly the reasons you so eloquently laid out in your opinion. I expected another derivative opinion of the many before, but instead

Because a company was right the last time suddenly they are always right? How lacking in nuance is that? Every situation should be judged on its own independent context. 

A scab when she’s a union worker and the original VA is not? Curious way to frame this situation. Especially when the original VA is caught in a likely lie and is now trying to sweep the situation under the rug.