
Ha! Exactly this. But you know Theon will magically know to head east for....reasons.

In short, a total DB. I was disappointed he looked like such a fop.

I like Mormont well enough, but I just don’t see what his survival brings to the table. He’s just a loyal warrior, nothing more, really. Unless they send an army of maesters over to Valeria to cure all those peeps with greyscale to create some new army. But most of those with greyscale in Valeria have probably had

Not to mention the dosage. Probably more than you could dab on the end of a ballista spear.

I initially thought that. But the ballista was on a swivel. My problem is that there is no way Bronn would be able to load enough force into a bolt to penetrate dragonskin by himself in about 60 seconds. That thing would take several men several minutes to successfully wind up. Plus the 1 in a million shot accuracy.

Not to mention that live dragon skin is one of the more impenetrable materials out there (see failed arrow volley).

The Qyburn Scorpion shot in the dungeons was done at point blank range into centuries old bone. Drogon has his dragon skin, which, as the failed arrow barrage showed, is quite good armor; and he was hit at a long range from a bolt with an upward trajectory, that would have lost much of its velocity. The 1 in a Million

Yeah, that was one easy ballista to wind, wasn’t it? For how far and powerfully it shot, especially.

You have to think that Brienne, Pod, or Sansa herself will let Arya know that Littlefinger sold Sansa off to the Boltons (and all that entailed). Also, Arya has a hint of it already by Sansa’s reaction to Bran getting the dagger from Littlefinger...when she said Littlefinger was not a generous person and would not

Not only was it a 1 in 1,000 shot, but it was annoying that during all that, no Dothraki thought to just chop down the unarmored dude standing unarmed on a wagon, shooting bolts at their queen.

Enfilade, for sure.

No doubt!

Yeah, I saw that on rewatch that it was on a swivel, but still, avoid it somehow then. Maybe she thought Drogon’s skin was impenetrable. In reality, creating that much release power for the scorpion bolt would have taken several men and like 10 minutes. I know, I know....

Quick, somebody contact Mythbusters to settle this!

“how on earth does a better defended and more impregnable Highgarden fall like it’s made of cardboard?” Lazy writers and plot convenience.

By hastily built, I mean speedily. His ships are of obvious quality, which only furthers my point—you don’t build ships of the line that quickly with limited resources. It was just plot convenience for the writers for an armada to show up.

That’s the only thing that would make sense.

Sansa won’t be “alone” for long, if Arya completes her journey. Look out, Littlefinger.

They have dragons, dammit. How about some aerial recon before sailing your fleet into the unknown? What a wasted resource.

Ha, yes! I thought she was just going to remove one of them, but leave him one.