

Was there supposed to be more to Rousey’s post? It reads as though she got knocked out less than a minute into typing it.

Amazing and tragic article. Shame it was posted at 830 on a Friday night.

*re-reads article*

+1 order of crazy bread

Two bad seasons and you bailed out? I hate Colts fans.

As someone who is at times subjected to his radio program, can confirm.

Garbage is awesome and still putting out quality albums.

+1 rhythmic slapping

+6 starting QBs

On the bright side Dragic will collect a cool $86 mil from them.

Can we get a reality show where Jonny here is mentored by Tebow?

Seriously though, what the fuck is up with his hair? Is it a rectangular rat tail?

My best friend is a Bills fan and it makes me sad to no end.

I’ve enjoyed this flurry of mishaps.

Looking forward to the 21 powerbomb salute before Sunday’s game.

You probably won’t have to. That stadium will be half empty after another shitty season...except for the raising of the AFC South championship banner raising game.

+1 pulmonary embolism

Weak kicking game.

What a Bowlesmovement.