
+1 Blegh

It’s always a reality check when Stephen A. isn’t the most unreasonable, brash person in any particular segment.

This only tangentially relates to this article, but I'm not sure how to contact anyone at The Root: An Indianapolis tattoo shop owner decided to support neo-Nazis and then tried to use the "I have black friends!" defense. Fuck this dude, right?

I care! What band are (were) you in?

I’m not offended, just on a mission to alienate and then marry everyone.

In an old Panthers WYTS, someone wished feline HIV upon Sir Purr. Made me laugh then, makes me laugh now.

Two, you judgy asshole.

I may an abomination, but it certainly isn’t due to my affinity for Kenny Loggins or use of the word “boom”. Also, the music played at my wedding(s) was awesome and featured no Macarena or any other “wedding” music.

YOU’RE an abomination. Boom. Roasted.

Kenny Loggins is a treasure and you’re a monster.

I don’t feel like this is correct:

Bringing in Kaep automatically starts a QB controversy. Most teams have no interest in that.

I love everything about The Root.

Tying everything to the “Trump is president, boo!” narrative is the new “Nickelback sucks!”.

If there’s one thing I learned from this scandal it’s that cooperation isn’t going to stop what’s going to happen.

I can’t wait for the articles demanding Mayweather explain himself for this.

Now playing

Dude is screaming in Morse code through part of this and the chorus is huge. Great way to end the week.

If the Red Wings don’t put together a high-powered line and refer to it as their Hot N Ready line, someone should be fired.