
Poor Steve got ridden like a sled down the ice after that hit. Fuck Bertuzzi forever.

Shame he won’t remember any of this in 20 years.

This type of thinking is cancerous

+1 magnificent job capturing humanity as it happens

That poor dude standing next to him.

How long before Mr Magos makes his WWE debut?

The saddest part of all of this? When the reporter noted that Tebow went home back to Jacksonville.


More like a lot of wasted nights with that roster, AMIRITE?

+1 eyeroll

I get all that, but they’re under .500. It’s still early in the season amd I’m over reacting

Shouldn’t the Pacers be better?

+1 powerbomb

+1 homophobic slur

The NFL’s official position on domestic violence is “pics or it didn’t happen”.


False. Billy Heywood was a whiny pussy.

Lebron must have recently watched Wanted

It’s cool refs, don’t worry about that helmet to helmet hit. No biggie.

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