Easy there Redford or you’ll be toast
Easy there Redford or you’ll be toast
That’s it: “the process” has been going on for far too long
+1 blunt force trauma
“Tell me about it.”
It’s been a while since New York has seen jets crash and burn like this.
Care to expand?
That poor bike frame.
The pants. Sweet Christ on a trampoline, son, there were pants as far as the eye can see. In the right light, it looked like everyone at the Godhead show was just floating along the floor. But we made them our own, in certain ways. The big plastic UFOs meant you leaned towards electronica and pop, the Menace jeans…
“Wait just a second, that's Mr. Burfict's music!"
As well as the triangle offense.
This is either really good or really bad Kinja.
Well thank God you stepped up to provide it.
You meant "Rams' starting quarterback", right?
All I'm saying is that the picture is already there for the Photoshop contest.
I'm not sure if the blonde lady in the background recognizes Knox or is just awestruck by that dude and all of his majesty.
Clearly Trent Richardson heard this during his rookie year and took it far too seriously.
Unless you're the state of Massachusetts.
Pretty sure The Wolfman took that with him to Buffalo.
I used to love Brooks. Every year was going to be his breakout year in my eyes. Still waiting.