Every 31 seconds, like clockwork.
Every 31 seconds, like clockwork.
Watching Thomas beat the ever-loving piss out of Curry for an entire series would be bliss.
I went from really enjoying the Warriors to actively cheering against them as the playoffs have progressed. Draymond is dirty as fuck (it took, what, four nutshots to get a suspension?!), Klay has the most punchable face ever, and, bandwagon Warriors fans are just coming out of the woodwork. I really wish some team…
Last’s night’s game was truly fun to watch.
The hot takes will burn brighter than a thousand suns.
This is the greatest of gifs.
The NFL needs fully guaranteed contracts. If you want to sign Tannehill to a terrible deal because it's "market value", live with your shitty decision for the duration.
Agreed, but why did Kyrie act like he had been caught in some lie?
+1 wrongful death suit
10 year olds are generally pussies.
+1 undefeated streak
Soft-ass kids that aren't used to losing that you're grooming there, friend. They're going to wind up the top story on Jezebel one day.
Irving is going to come out of this series looking the worst, in my opinion. He's definitely gone this summer.
New Thrice came out today. Great start to a long weekend.
Going forward?
How much better would the NBA be if they went 3-on-3 for overtime? Mind you, I think the NBA is pretty great already, but damn that would be rad.
Ballghazi, indeed.