Henry Nicholls

I predict the ascendancy of the Picaresque!

And Ava Brown has a fly's head.

'Batman: DarKnight' was a potential title for the proposed fifth film in the original Burton/Schumacher series, but it was never made after 'Batman & Robin' tanked. Not to be confused with the actually made 'The Dark Knight'.

There's an alternate universe where 'Batman: DarKnight' still isn't on this list.

Here in Adelaide, Australia, for some reason Negronis seem to be making a hell of a comeback.

Tommy Lee Jones' sex tape also features Jim Carey interjecting, "If you kill him, he won't learn nothing."

Ah, screw the whole thing.

"Every time I think I'm out, they pull me back in (to the oven, to cook a little longer)!"

The repurposed "What this [blank] presupposes" quote is a noble A.V. Club tradition. I wasn't the first to use it, and I doubt I'll be the last. But yes, it's 'Royal Tenenbaums'.

So I'm the only one who sings 'Suicide is Painless' at birthdays then?

*Spike Lee angrily tweets Toby Keith's address*

"We all know that A.A. Dowd wrote a negative review of Nailed. What this blurb presupposes is … maybe he didn't?" - Mongrel Media.

Right now, Mongrel is combing A.A. Dowd's past articles to construct the phrase, "Ethnic cleansing? I'm all for it!"

You all still have Zoidberg!

All this talk of people liking Sin City long ago but being less comfortable with it now strikes a weird chord with me. I saw it when I was in my early twenties and enjoyed it, but now think I'd probably find the general Frank Miller-ness of it offputting. But here's the thing: I also wrote a review of it for the

I did only kinda like it. It's not a great film by any stretch of the imagination, and I'm in no rush to see it again, but it's fun in its way.

I'm not as well-versed in Wright's work as some people, so these are just guesses, but the conversation the crooks have about the Titanic (ship and film), and Scott being shot at while doing all the classic action film moves in the tiny model of Cross Technologies seemed like his kind of thing.

I kind of figured Scott made the bunny. He's got a Masters in Electrical Engineering, so he can make the electrical parts work, but he has no idea how to make a stuffed toy, so it ends up looking like some rabid hellbeast. Cassie probably loves it because she knows he made it for her.

I love Bender's line, "I'm not allowed to sing. Court order." so much that it kind of bums me out that it's non-canonical.

The way he enunciates "ka-ra-te" is a thing of beauty.