Henry Nicholls

I'm sure the ghosts of Mars past are very proud of their descendent.

I'm suddenly imagining Obama flying around in a suit of high-tech armour with an AI voiced by Joe Biden.

White? I thought you were green!

He was proud as a pea-cork, baby!

I genuinely believe politics is pop-culture now, and not just because America has a former reality TV star as president. Politics has always been part of the wider culture, and with the rise of politicians engaging with the populace via social media, the increasingly political slant of a lot of comedy, the range of


I'm Steve Whitmire and so is my wife!

We've always been at war with Disqus.

They tried to show him a YouTube video of One Direction, but his response was, "Was this shot on 35mm? Then why the fuck am I sullying my eyes with it? We've been through this a thousand GODDAMN times! Now get the fuck out of my sight!"

I'm very pleased you put Harry Crane and the antichrist on equal footing.

I regret buying all those steaks from Radio Shack.

And for people with social anxiety - which is almost everyone I know - shopping online is hugely helpful.

Oh sure, the guy with 31 upvotes is going to apologise to the guy who doesn't make that in five comments? C'MON!

Yes. Yes it is.

It made me think of 'The Room', but maybe I should keep my stupid opinions in my pocket.

You know, I did not expect this to be a real thing when I made the comment, and now I can't decide which is the sadder item, this or Kitty Romano's wedding band (also available).

You know, I think you're onto something with Paris Hilton: "What are you so angry about, I got him just like you asked. Paris? Goddamnit, Larry, you have to improve your handwriting."

Is the script for 'The Negron Complex' available?

I think it's time for a show where psychics come on stage, explain who they are and how they claim their powers started, and then have to select which of three closed booths contains noted skeptic James Randi. Coming next fall, 'Feeling Randi'.