Henry Nicholls

I'm so happy Maslany got the nom, but I'm torn; she's up against Elisabeth Moss, who absolutely killed it as Peggy this year. Even the SPOILER get-together scene with Stan in the finale, which I didn't want to see happen, was saved by her pitch-perfect acting.

She could accept as Cristal, but totally unaware as to why this is happening.

It means "The Palma, The."

The short answer is free will. An omnipotent being could make people who don't hurt each other. An omnipotent being could create humans that don't do anything wrong, ever. It could create humans that do exactly what it wants them to do all the time. They'd be like little dolls, that God takes out of a toy box, plays

There are dozens of us! Dozens!

Dear God, please tell me Hawley died on his way back to his home planet.

"This summer, be prepared to have a bad feeling about this!"

Why do people feel they have to be dirty to get a laugh these days. Henny Youngman used to be able to slay them with a nice, clean joke like, "Take my wife … something."

It was actually the Genie who shot Uncle Ben.

The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel.

Get a job, Internet!

I will bore anyone who lets me talk about this, but there are a great many superhero characters who would do far better in a 'Daredevil'-style TV series than in a movie, and I think Spiderman is one of them. His story - as far as I've always understood it; I'm not a huge fan - is that of a kid who struggles to do the

Just wait for WB's gritty reboot of the character.

He's already seen everything.

I've always had a little pet theory about Ledger's Joker, and it kind of relates to the idea people have been throwing around here that Leto's version is parodying the "thug" look. Basically, I feel like there's an almost fourth-wall-breaking quality to TDK's Joker, where he's parodying what people think the Joker

There's one shot where the whole Fellowship is running across a stone bridge, and the movement of the characters is quite noticeably fake. On the whole, I'd agree with you; it's a fantastic set-piece and one of the best parts of the whole glorious trilogy.

To be fair, action films aren't usually my jam. 'Mad Max' is a bit of an outlier, which I mostly saw because I heard it made MRAs angry.

I watched the 'Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Corporate Synergy' trailer earlier, and the problem I had was one mentioned in the article: nothing had any weight. It looked like a Superman shaped cloud punching a Batman shaped cloud. (Insert your "old man yells at cloud" jokes here, folks.)

The CGI'd sequence of the Fellowship running through Moria looks so fake that I keep expecting them all to jump over a rolling barrel every time I rewatch it. But the prosthetics they used to create the orcs/goblins still look delightfully convincing; you can almost smell them.

I've only seen 'Mad Max: Fury Road' from this list, and it's amazing how a lot of the other points apply to that film as well as to the ones they're actually referencing.