Henry Nicholls

I'm thinking of going with: "It's actually a funny story…"

The tornado scene bugged me so much. Clark is like, what, seventeen in that scene? Old enough to be played by Henry Cavill as a tall, well-built guy. There's a tornado, otherwise known as a lot of noise and chaos and poor visibility. If Clark ran over to his dad, even really fast, and carried him away, are people

I don't even know what website this is or what's going on, but you can go fuck yourself, sir.

Suggested alternate line. "The oldest lie in America is that all men are created equal. Look at him. Does he look like our equal?"

While I wouldn't go so far as to say Douglas has a point, if you look at actors like Geoffrey Rush and Hugo Weaving, you can definitely say we don't hire 'em for their looks.

Just a tip for you all: jokes about internal pluralisation get an automatic upvote from me.

You sweet magnificent bastard, I haven't thought of that line in years, but it is solid gold and I'm glad to be reminded of it.

I mostly clicked the link to make sure this wasn't some godawful Paul Rudd/Seth Rogen movie where one of them says, "Do I sound gay?" at the start and the rest of the run-time is just endless variations on the phrase "no homo" disguised as punchlines. Plus a 25 minute scene where the two smoke weed and talk about

A film featuring a resurrected Ayn Rand would be legitimately terrifying.

Forget 'Freddie vs. Jason' - someone should create 'Ventriloquist Dummy vs. Clown' and make the most pants-shittingly terrifying movie of all time.

But especially Year One.

Pita predator?

It's nothing new. Bob Dylan was called a Judas for using an electric tortilla press on stage years ago.

Something, something, shut that whole thing down.

Great Magician Named GOB, Internet!

The A.V. Club

There was a period in the comics where Storm went very punk, with a massively tall mohawk and leather jackets and stuff. I reckon they should do a solo film with that version, played by 'Orange is the New Black's Samira Wiley.

Did you know the Chinese have the same word for "shitty" as they do for "golden age"?

Bustin' makes me feel meh!

With an honourable mention for Jordan Gavaris' Felix, the brother-sestra.