Henry Nicholls

If I were going for a Wes Anderson movie that showcased great sibling performances, I'd go with 'The Darjeeling Limited'. As the youngest of three brothers, I felt they just nailed that low-level discomfort and pissiness, mixed with some real affection, that brothers have.

The MacNeille armies are known for their blood-curdling war cry: "Jam a bastard in it, you crap!"

"Overused Simpsons Quote #476 … has been cancelled."

Stupid commenters need the most attention.

I believe you may be referring to Keitha.

To give Amy her credit, she gave better advice than I would have. I'd probably have just told him to have a stiff drink. Maybe a mix of scotch and vodka. It tastes good.

I think it's about both, or, to put it in a more A.V. Club suitable way, it can be two things.

I think the problem, and the reason people are talking about the defensiveness of white folk specifically, is that, at least from what I can see, a lot of the response here isn't thoughtful criticism, but a lot of comments that boil down to, "I, a white person, see no problem here, so these videos are stupid and not

Old Man Masturbates at Cloud.

"It wasn't dimension-hopping vampire goats. Well, I'm glad we ruled that out."

Yeah, I always hated that stuff. "He walks with a limp, as evidenced by his footsteps, and was left-handed, as the direction of the blow shows that the rock must have been in his left hand when he struck."

People often get this wrong, but Holmes was the *scientist*, not the monster.

"Holmes, you must come at once, there's been a brutal murder in St. Paul's Cathedral!"

Or this movie could be a disaster like "Amazing Spiderman 2" and cause the studio to rethink their whole strategy, putting any future Wonder Woman film way on the back burner. Is a solo superheroine film really a risk? I don't honestly know, but I do know there are a lot of women who go to superhero films, and I

I was really hoping the bartender in this story was going to be a large, hirsute man named Gus.

You know, I don't want to see this film for a number of reasons: it's a sequel to 'Man of Steel' by the same director, and both are mediocre; it stars Ben Affleck, whose acting I don't enjoy; I think trying to do an extended DC universe on film is a bad idea and won't work the way Marvel's version does, and so on. But

He pulled a reverse Max Brod.

I think he also once said, "Fuck you, literary historians of the future, try getting a real job", which I thought was delightful.

We all know that "Sworn to the Sword" belongs on any list of the best TV episodes of 2015. What this A.V. Club article presupposes is … maybe it doesn't?

That scene in "Lost Horizon" was beyond great. My girlfriend and I just laughed with joy, and replayed it again straight after the episode ended. That and Ken telling Roger and Pete that they were essentially working for him now (cue Pete: "Shit.") were my highlights in a fantastic season.