Henry Nicholls

At the point I'm reading this, all the anti-Feinnes comments have become "This comment was deleted", which adds a really lovely element of comic absurdity to the discussion. It's like one of those old sitcom bits where someone's on the phone and you can only hear their side of the conversation,

It was the point where Hit Girl decided that a bunch of somewhat cruel, but literally immature, girls were as bad as drug dealers and gangsters and deserved to be assaulted in an incredibly vile, humiliating way, and that the film was going to offer no commentary on this, that I realised the movie and the series had

The way she's concentrating so hard on playing the drums! Goddamnit, this show can out-adorable a litter of yawning kittens.

David X. Cohen relates an anecdote on the DVD commentary of trying to put together some IKEA furniture and seeing the best piece of advice in the instructions: "When assembling Skubnarv*, it is best to be two people."

The A.V. Club

Sex with Nathan Rabin: "If memory serves, that was a good one."

And I don't just lie there, HobbesMkii, if that's what you're thinking.

I would also have accepted Snactaculum.

I'd forgotten that line. Man, I do like Sassy Sun.

I got a notification for renowned wit and playwright, master of French comedy Moliere for this?

I've been wondering - and this is pure speculation here, there's been nothing in the episodes (unless I missed something) either way - if Sun might be asexual. She's shown no particular sexual desire so far, but also no squeamishness about sex either. (She wasn't at all uncomfortable in the sex club her brother

Well, the entire steel industry certainly is.

100% with you. As realistic as it may be that people going through an inexplicable experience would take a long time to adjust to it, it's so tiring for an audience who already understands the mechanic to go through endless iterations of the, "What's happening to me? Am I losing my mind" trope. I think the sensates

Never go against a fictionalised version of a controversial playwright when DEATH is on the line!

"Tell me more!" *pushes joystick upwards*

I never knew how much I needed hearing Garnet say, "Garnet, master of comedy" in my life until this episode.

Oh, and James Franco as Low-Key.

My own casting choice for Shadow is to actually cast a complete unknown. Shadow has a quality about him that makes him kind of anonymous, even forgettable - Laura mentions turning the lights off in rooms because she forgot he was sitting there. I think having anyone recognisable (like Jason Momoa, who is otherwise a

That sensate facility mission was everything I always wanted, and never got, from 'Heroes'.

This worried me for a while too, but they do find use for Kala's skills later on. I don't think it constitutes a spoiler to say that the final episode uses the skill-swapping device to magnificent effect.